Miyavi is by far my favorite Japanese musician. As well as being one of my favorite all time guitarist. I was very surprised when I learned that Miyavi was a playing one of the smaller anime conventions in Texas. I never thought I would ever see him at a con. They only other time I have been able to see him preform was as the guitarist in SKIN at the Long Beach Arena a few years ago. This was my first chance to see him preform any of his solo material. As far as I could tell a majority of the people at the convention were to his him. The was really really long. As you can see form the video I found on YouTube posted below. You can even see me lying on the ground towards the end. We waited in line for close to five hours to get in. Its a good thing we did because they stopped letting people in to the hall once they hit the 2000 people max capacity. They pulled a little trick on every body once they got into the concert. Every body was all excited for the concert. Chanting Miyavi and what not. Then some goofy guy came on stage and told every body we had to watch the Showdown fighting game championships before Miyavi was gong to come on. I like fighting games so I thought it was kinda of neat to watch. Most of the people in the crowd didn't though. Finally after suffering through an incredibly boring Sagat vs Sagat match of SF4 it was time for Miyavi to come on. It was well worth wait and standing in line all day. Miyavi rocked the place. Well as much as you can "rock" an anime con. He played good mix of songs form through out his electic career. He knew a fair amount of English and chatted with crowd quite a bit. The only thing I was disappointed by was that he didn't play any of his acoustic stuff. He Miyavi had a very charismatic and flamboyant stage presence. Which is in lines with what I expected. For more info on Miyavi check out is myspace page. www.myspace.com/miyavi
1 comment:
Haha yea Miyavi was awsome. I was also kinda suprised that he showed up in Matsuri. But I guess anything can happen in ol Texas lol. The line was pretty fun even if it too long just to get us in -3-". Im in 1:09 in the video with the kou backpack. I was soposed to be a J-rocker but oh well xP. I had a great time and I think everyone else did aswell. Fun Stuffz. xP - Ainne
I am an avid music enthusiast. I’ve been listening to music since the early 90s and going to live shows for close to a decade. I wanted to set up this blog to express my opinions about my favorite bands and let people know what live shows they are missing. In my opinion a band with a bad with a terrible a live show is probably a terrible band to begin with.
1 comment:
Haha yea Miyavi was awsome. I was also kinda suprised that he showed up in Matsuri. But I guess anything can happen in ol Texas lol. The line was pretty fun even if it too long just to get us in -3-". Im in 1:09 in the video with the kou backpack. I was soposed to be a J-rocker but oh well xP. I had a great time and I think everyone else did aswell. Fun Stuffz. xP - Ainne
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